There’s a candle on our kitchen table. It’s supposed to hold a treasure inside so we burn and burn it every night and we look and look for the gift. At first we just enjoyed the candle but then things started to change. I’ve noticed that we don’t care about the flame anymore that burns so steady and bright. We used to love the simple beauty of the light, but now it’s just a means to get to the prize.
Missing the beauty of the light as we impatiently wait.
Dismissing the flame that’s required.
Willing it to burn out so we can get the treasure inside.
The other night things got taken to a whole new level. Impatience won. Knives were inserted into the wax, digging around – trying to get that prize. No one willing to wait for the flames to burn anymore.
As I watched, a whisper came to my mind.
Remember what was first ignited in your life.
Don’t burn so fast to the next thing that you miss the beauty of the light.
We are taught to pursue, to strive, to go after big. None of those things are wrong but often in the pursuit of our future dreams we forget about our past influences.
Where we started. What we were passionate about. What inspired and shaped us.
We burn through life as quick as we can.
Often we leave things behind that we need for the road ahead.
In what would seem to be a time-travelling season of life, I find myself back in a place where I once was. It’s my past, but also my present. It’s completely different yet totally the same all rolled into one. As I look out the windows, open familiar doors, stand in places flooded with memories and drive down roads that lead to places etched in my mind – there’s a beautiful peace that floods over me.
This is a gift.
This is not going back.
It’s part of going forward.
There are things here that I need.
Beautiful reminders.
So I embrace it all, and it’s like a millions gifts to my heart and while my dreams going ahead are still bigger than life, they are more sweet and precious because they are being mixed together perfectly with the deep places of the past. Where my heart first began to burn, where light started to shine bright. There’s new that comes from the old.
All mixed together, beautifully combined.
Embrace the beauty of the light as it burns.
Shine as you go after your treasures.
Value and protect the places of your heart where your dreams and hopes are buried deep and let them come alive again.
The past is needed for the present.
It’s all part of the future.
Necessary for the journey.
I remember the days from long ago…
The post Time travelling life appeared first on ChristianWeek.